Far beyond its subtitle, “Why We Play” is a collection of inspiration, advice, and a keen roadmap that could apply to any major purchase of a musical instrument. A brief fifty-one pages, this book proves that amazing things come in small packages, and, at a mere $13.95, a real bargain. (ISBN 978-1475256574). And you can buy it from Amazon by first logging onto the WMEA website and then clicking on the Amazon icon.
Author Ben Klinger states his purpose for writing the book as a way “to reconnect people to the buying process in meaningful ways … returning to a simpler and more rewarding shopping experience.” Mr. Klinger has worked for years in the retail piano world and is also a player. This book is a result of thousands of customers, and their feedback, both successful and disappointing.
~ Kevin Paustian
Past President, WMEA (Washington Music Educators Association) More from Kevin Paustian